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How to File a Claim on Your Desktop?

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How to File a Claim on Your Mobile App?

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Best Practices: Receipts & Statements

Date of Service

(Most Common Omission)

Provider Name

Patient Name

Service Description

(2nd Most Common Omission)

This information is required to confirm the provider where you purchased your goods or services. If your claim is denied because of "Merchant Not Qualified," call us and we can potentially add them to our system.

This information is required to confirm who received the goods or services. Unlike other benefits, your Dependents can use your debit card or file for reimbursement, even if they are not enrolled in your Medical, Dental, or Vision plan. So, this is more of a "soft" confirmation.

This information is required to confirm the Plan Year when you purchased goods or received services. Current Plan Year funds can not be used to pay for a prior Plan Year's service.

  • Credit card terminal receipts often omit Service Dates.

  • Statements that indicate a prior balance was paid, are a yellow flag that a prior year's balance was potentially paid.

This information is required to confirm that the Service purchased was eligible for your Plan. Today, many provider offices sell more than medical services. Books, subscriptions, and wellness products are just some of the ancillary items available at some providers' offices. So, we can't assume that a purchase for services was 100% valid based on a location disclosed on a receipt.

Product Description

This information is required to confirm that the Product purchased was eligible for your Plan. Please note, product warranties for items such as glasses or wearable healthcare devices are not eligible healthcare expenses.

This information is required to confirm that the amount charged to your account matches the amount on your receipt or benefits statement

We want you to spend your hard-earned pre-tax dollars. Review the details below to learn more about what information your receipts and statements should contain to accelerate your claims approval.

Amount Billed